Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Charlie's/Charley's

^ The spelling changes every year XD

It was quite amazing.

My family got there super early, as usual. Dinner was served, and I got many compliments on my [prom] dress [take that, Mom!].
All the ITS officers talked [why do you think I never applied for one of those positions?], and gag gifts were distributed; Charlie getting a toilet seat, Paula a microphone, and I a trashcan [the man stuffed me in one earlier that semester].

Carie picked out the good pictures of the ones I gave her for the slideshow-- there's nothing quite like looking at your own slide.

"Live like you mean it, love til you feel it; it's all that we need in our lives." -- The Goo Goo Dolls

There were lots of hugs, tears, but riiiiiiiiight before Emily and I left, I forgot something.
I borrowed a pencil from Emily's mom, ran backstage, and wrote my name on the same block as my dad's; something I'd been meaning to do since February.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Senior Luncheon.

I said I had a lot of posts XD

Pretty good.

Met up with Paula, Kathleen, Emily, and Charlie.
Good food.
Good entertainment.

Charlie didn't understand most of it, since you would've had to know all the gossip the past 4 years to understand, but it was awesome.

Shelbi spoke about movies... who would play whom in our high school careers.
And rank gave an awesome speech about his high school experience XD

Andrew sang and I won a camera.

Some letters were read some Maxwell kids-- ones they wrote in the sixth grade.
Who knew Kristina and Toni were so popular?? XDDDDDD

And Mason wanted to be a poet! D'AWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He also sang Time Of Your Life. Cliche, but fitting. And good.

Went home early-- more on that later.

Tomorrow-- the Charlies, and school... and summer.


We had the jazz steak dinner... a couple weeks ago?
Doesn't feel like it.
It was the same night as All My Sons DX
The last play of my high school career and I couldn't try out...
I was also afraid I would miss circle, but I didn't, as not trying out, and missing the first act as props mistress was the last thing I would let band do to me.


The Banquet.
The bane of my existance in this program the last three years.
I got all dressed up [actually, I already was since senior luncheon was earlier that day], sat with Paula, Emily, and Kathleen, as the plan was for the past three years.
I was particularly moved by Zach's speech, and what angel had to say about kathleen-- then me.

Who knew I always had a smile on my face?
I didn't.
But Angel thinks I do.
I walked up there shaking, hugged him, and he whispers in my ear, "You can do this-- you're the drama girl!"
My response: "This is obviously why I'm a techie...!"

I get up to the microphone and say my opening, then gett o the thank yous....
Everyone to my left and to my right
Carpenters dad for letting me call him Carpenter's dad, since I never know what to call my friends parents XD
That table right there ;)
The trumpets
All of them
And everyone in the gym

Then the Trumpet Football.
If I had to pick the most SHOCKING moment of my life, it would be last year, when Karee gave ME the football.
The stolen property football.
The one Jessi caught.
The one I apologized to Mr. H for XD

And I gave it to the first male recipient, Zach.
He encompasses everything that football means.

I may say I hate band sometimes,
and that I don't know if I should've done it these past two years,
but I've loved every minute of it :)

The first half of the last 9 weeks

Went by FAST!
I never even know what day it is anymore.
March? WHOOSH!
April? WHOOSH!
May is also going by fast,
but that might be the Trend Analysis paper talking XD

I had the subject of prostitution.
That's right-- HAD.
I'm done with it as of today.

Speech? Advertised lightsabers for our last speech. Got a B+ which I am extraordinarily happy with :D

Music Theory-- love those guys.

Cadeting-- love those kids :DD

Calc-- killer.

Band & jazz-- for another post.

Prom [the first of many posts]

Oh god...

It was amazing.

We were all [me, Charlie, Paula, Amanda, Carolyn, Ryan, Sarah, Emily] supposed to meet at O'Charley's at 3:30, but of course, two people had to call and ask what we were doing at 3 ;)

Early dinner.... Some people asked Amanda and I why we looked so pretty :D

And then we had to make an emergency stop to the gas station next to White Castle. Someone had to have their Coke products... XD

My house, pictures, the church, more pictures, thankfully getting less and less awkward as the night went on XD

And Chris told me she gave Charlie 'the talk,' which means nothing at all like you think it does XDDDDD

Pictures, the limo, the ride there... got there an hour early and walked around a bit, discussing nerf guns with Ryan and Charlie.
We could finally go in and I persuaded the hermit to dance for a few minutes... ate, walked around, danced with some drama people, who proceeded to teach the hermit how to dance [maybe Michael Tucker isn't so bad after all XDDDD].
We talked, danced, had our picture taken, danced... tried to figure out what on earth the food was...

Danced somemore.... ...
Texted XD
The limo ride back...
Yes, I DID have a good time.
And Steak n Shake was also good, as was the car ride back to my house.

And now?
This, along with May 16th, 2009, is probably up there in my top 5 favorite days.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

... Where do I even start?

Umm... it's Spring break... :D

Let's see... I left off in February... Hmm...

In general...

The Children's Play got cancelled :/
^ I'd rather not talk about that

Ball State housing stuff has arrived!
^ Did I mention I finally got into the Theatre Dept?!?!?! :D

My Kindergarteners are so sweet :D
^ I was quite worried, but..... They're so adorable!!!

Calculus is more than stressful >.<
But Frank is in there!
And W131 and Speech... are actually pretty cool classes
[Oliver's attitude has changed since he's gotten married XD]

Band has it's ups and downs...
But Zach and Malia always make it better :)
As does Carpenter with Jazz Band.

I conquered every senior girl's fear.
I asked Charlie to Prom a while ago.
And as for his answer?
Well... let's just say picking out a tux was quite an adventure XD

That pretty much sums up everything up to this point.
My Spring Break plans?
No, I'm not going off to Florida as most people are.
I'm staying home and around Greenfield, as I have many chores to do XD

Tomorrow I'll be going to Wal-Mart, Kristy's, and Marsh for random things,
Maybe going to the Children's Museum Thursday? Fingers Crossed!,
and, well...
Getting my tattoo on Friday XD
It's a purple and green butterfly on my right side [just above my hip]
Not very large.
But as a disclaimer for those of you in California--
Let's not tell Grandma-- K?

Oh! And wedding dress shopping with Paula! :D

Monday, February 15, 2010

Oh, Honeywell, how I love thee...

It's the middle of February.

And I'm sick of this snow.


Ok, I'm sick of it being dark outside.

I LOVE that we went to school today for a makeup day [one of the two] and yet, we have been alerted that there is a snow day tomorrow :D

Everything academic-wise has been going very well.

Band[s]? Fine
Teaching? I love my little Kindergarteners ^_^
Speech & W131? Great!
EB? Why wouldn't it be great?
Calc? Much better than first semester.
Theory? Love those people :D

Not much else to say I guess...

Just lots of homework.

And tomorrow will be filled with scholarship-like things.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Umm... Tech Week, anyone?

Yup, it's Tech Week for the One Acts.

Lots of homework over the weekend.

And lots of tech work that still needs to be and.

And lots and lots of stuff to carry into school tomorrow since I'm bringing in my own costume.

Yup... IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'm a dead person :D


There's SOOOOOOOOOOO much stuff going on in February...

One Acts.

Officer Workshop.

Ball State!

Prom dress shopping?

Another workshop.

More tech.

Indoor and guard contests,

and fundraising stuff for Drama.


Thursday, January 7, 2010

And on the 4th day, God said....

"Let there be snow.
Lots and lots of snow.
Just not enough to close Greenfield-Central schools.
But enough to send them home early.... and make WalMart run out of bread!"

Jeez God is picky XD

Yup, It's the 4th day of the second, new, and last semester. I got to walk into school and promtly report to the Band Room, assemble my trumpet, and go sit in the pep Band section of the gym for, well, what THEY call a pep session.

It's Homecoming, too. And the theme is Superheros.
I have no problem with this.
It's quite cool.
But.... Spiderman is better.

Anyway, Monday... Band was the first class. Oh joy.

Then Jazz Band.
Jazz Band.
Brass players, thank you for your sympathy.
Speaking of brass players, Matt McCune joined this semester and has the awesome black trumpet that Carpenter's talked about.
It's lived up to it's legacy.

Then, lunch.
and Brett.
Needless to say, we had quite a crowded table.

Then Cadet Teaching.
I got to walk with Emily since she's in AP Physics at the same.

Elsworth put us in a storage closet, but whatever.

Hearing Ben say random crap out of context is pretty awesome.
Like buying Elsworth a chair :D

I made my way to Speech, and was already given my first speech assignment [intros-- woo.] on top of no friends in the class... And it's SO PACKED! :(

Tuesday started out with EB, including Hermes, Charlie, Ted, Javi, and I'm sure a couple others. They cram as many of us in there as they can.

Then Ap Calc, where, by God, Frank's in there! It's a Christmas miracle! That, and I understood the lesson perfectly! If you can count little squares, you're in!

Then back in the Music Department, I went to Theory which now has 2 less people, but hey, that class still has the best people in it. We even tried to catch the Band Room mice XD

That led to Erin beating me up, but it was worth it :D

4th lunch. Only Hermes and Austin. And Don.

Then W131. I shot straight towards Carolyn when I saw her. And Wilson and Andrew are in the class. It's REALLY small. First assignment over "The difference between high school and college"

All the articles we're gonna read seem interesting. I get didn't like how the guy switched topics half way through about beliefs.

Then I had my first read through ever as an actor.

I'm in Jayme's One Act as a Dead Person :D

Like I said, it's the fourth day, but the last two days went pretty much the same.

Except the freakin' massive snowstorm that let us get out of school early.