Thursday, May 20, 2010


We had the jazz steak dinner... a couple weeks ago?
Doesn't feel like it.
It was the same night as All My Sons DX
The last play of my high school career and I couldn't try out...
I was also afraid I would miss circle, but I didn't, as not trying out, and missing the first act as props mistress was the last thing I would let band do to me.


The Banquet.
The bane of my existance in this program the last three years.
I got all dressed up [actually, I already was since senior luncheon was earlier that day], sat with Paula, Emily, and Kathleen, as the plan was for the past three years.
I was particularly moved by Zach's speech, and what angel had to say about kathleen-- then me.

Who knew I always had a smile on my face?
I didn't.
But Angel thinks I do.
I walked up there shaking, hugged him, and he whispers in my ear, "You can do this-- you're the drama girl!"
My response: "This is obviously why I'm a techie...!"

I get up to the microphone and say my opening, then gett o the thank yous....
Everyone to my left and to my right
Carpenters dad for letting me call him Carpenter's dad, since I never know what to call my friends parents XD
That table right there ;)
The trumpets
All of them
And everyone in the gym

Then the Trumpet Football.
If I had to pick the most SHOCKING moment of my life, it would be last year, when Karee gave ME the football.
The stolen property football.
The one Jessi caught.
The one I apologized to Mr. H for XD

And I gave it to the first male recipient, Zach.
He encompasses everything that football means.

I may say I hate band sometimes,
and that I don't know if I should've done it these past two years,
but I've loved every minute of it :)

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